Location: 10020 San Marcos Court, Las Cruces NM 88007
DIRECTIONS: Picacho Hills to San Marcos Follow our signs!
Date/Time: Oct. 16th & 17th, 2020, Friday 9-1 & Saturday 9-1
Featured items: Singer Professional DSXII embroidery machine, collection of antique and Victorian style furniture, queen adjustable tempurpedic bed, twin adjustable bed, large walnut desk and credenza, walnut dining table, antique chairs, cameras, closet of quality bedding and women’s clothes-many new with tags, purses, vintage Pioneer speakers, kitchenware, general household and more!
Complying with Governor mandates Masks and social distancing required
Home is for sale by Stella Martinez (575) 649-8222.
If you want a QUALITY ESTATE SALE, call Joe Soebbing at Rio Grande Estate Sales, LLC at 575-993-1699. We offer both Standard and Premier sales services. We also offer full appraisals with 35 years of experience and always a FREE consultation!